Social Complaince Academy on site

Social Complaince Academy on site

Social Complaince Expert Ms Nancy at Myanmar Synergy Social complaince expert on onsite consultancy visit - assessment on the notice signs Social Compliance Facotry onsite consultancy (2) Social Compliance Facotry onsite consultancy (3) Social Compliance Facotry onsite consultancy Visiting the primary school that is supported by Maple factory (2) Visiting the primary school that is supported by Maple factory (3) Visiting the primary school that is supported by Maple factory at Myanmar Synergy Document check at Myanmar Synergy Documents check at Maple Documents check at Myanmar Synergy Documents check with CSR team during the onsite consultancy at Myanmar Synergy Maple's Clinic Meeting with CSR team of Myanmar Synergy Meeting with Middle Management team during social complaince onsite consultancy - Shwe sakar factory (2) Meeting with Middle Management team during social complaince onsite consultancy - Shwe sakar factory (3) Meeting with Middle Management team during social complaince onsite consultancy - Shwe sakar factory Meeting with Nancy, the social complaince expert and Myanmar Synergy's CSR team Nancy during her on site factory visits Nancy with CSR team manager at Myanmar synergy Nancy with Factory manager from Maple Nancy, the social compliance expert at Shwe Sakar Presenting the action plan after the assessments - Shwe Sakar factory (2) Presenting the action plan after the assessments - Shwe Sakar factory Reviewing the Floor Plan chart at Myanmar Synergy

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