SMART Myanmar organized "Two Energy Efficiency Workshops" on September

SMART Myanmar organized "Two Energy Efficiency Workshops" on September

SMART Myanmar organized two energy efficiency workshops with the interesting topics as Water Efficiency in garment industry and Calculating GHGs and carbon foot-printing in manufacturing, conducted by international environmental management experts from SUSTENT Co.,Ltd on 28th and 30th September, 2019. Both 2-day workshops is held at Jasmine Palace hotel, Pyay Road, Yangon from to 

On September 28th, the senior environmental management experts from SUSTENT conducted the Water Efficiency workshop and the objective of this workshop is to explore rainwater harvesting, RO discard water, steam condensate recovery and other opportunities. 22 participants from local and international factories participated to discuss on current best practices in rainwater harvesting systems for garment factories, the potential applications for reverse osmosis (RO) discard water as well as the best practices in water metering, setting KPIs and controlling leaks. 

On September 30th, the local technical experts from SMART Myanmar's energy team conducted the Calculating GHGs workshop and the aim of this workshop is to estimate CO2 output and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) based on fuel types, production processes and energy bills. On this day, 13 participants from both locan and foreign factories joined to discuss on using practical tools and approaches in carbon foot-printing for garment factories, linking carbon foot-printing and GHG emissions calculations into the Higg Index environmental management system. The participants had group-work discussions and explanations of their factories' current conditions related with topics on both days. 

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