Occupational Health and Safety – Protecting workers and ensuring smooth production

Occupational Health and Safety – Protecting workers and ensuring smooth production

How Rising White Tiger Manufacturing Co. Ltd. prevents accidents and injuries effectively

rising white tigerRealizing the positive effect of good working on workers’ productivity, Rising White Tiger Manufacturing Co. Ltd. made it a priority to implement high occupational health and safety standards for its workforce. It implemented improvement measures recommended by SMART Myanmar swiftly.

In Rising White Tiger the majority of the sewing machines were not adequately maintained. Original parts from the manufacturer such as safety and protection covers were missing, risking injury of workers through moving machine parts and reducing the life expectancy of the machines. Electric cables got damaged exposing workers to accidents from electric shocks and causing short circuits. This resulted in poor safety standards and frequent repairs of the machines.

SMART Myanmar and international expert Mr. Loeffler from ESGE advised the management to instruct its team of mechanics to equip all machines with the missing original parts immediately to prevent accidents, avoid short circuits as well as break down of equipment and costly repairs.

Within three months Rising White Tiger´s mechanic team equipped all machines according to the original design of the manufacturer. They built the covers of the motors with investing only 3 US$ per machine for the cost of the metal sheets. As a positive side effect the modifications also stopped leakage of machine oil caused by clogged valves.

rising tiger b & a

Investment 3 US$ per machine

Benefits: Safety of workers, longer life expectancy of machines, protection of goods
During SMART Myanmar´s first factory visit, a quite costly needle detector machine in packing department was spotted, obviously not in use, as the production in-charge confirmed. Apparently the machine was no longer in daily usage due to time pressure. Only randomly a few garments per order have been checked lately.

Needel detector not in use

SMART Myanmar suggested the department in-charge to keep an eye on his workers, to assure they do not modify their task of proceeding and area of responsibility due to time pressure by cancelling certain work steps. The machine is used for metal detections, such as broken needles. Many customers emphasize all garments to be checked through such kind of metal detector before packing. They must be aware that uncomfortable consequences can lead to major problems with customer if quality assurance is not warrant.

The needle detector machine is back in daily use to secure quality control on metal items according to customer’s request. The department in-charge is organizing accordingly to achieve the necessary time needed to full fill this major quality check.

Needle detector in use

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